Failing To Stop For A School Bus Tickets — The Shelton Law Firm

Failure To Stop For A School Bus Tickets

It happens everyday.  You are on a single lane road and get stuck behind a school bus that stops every mile or half mile to pick up or drop off children.  There is a great temptation to pass that school bus when it stops, especially since you are late for that big meeting.  Don't do it!  Children are our greatest treasure.  Unfortunately, 174 school-age children died in school-transportation-related crashes from 2003 to 2012.  For this reason, New York takes overtaking and passing a stopped school bus very seriously.

Under NY VTL 1174(a) it is a violation to pass a school bus stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers when the bus operates a red visual signal.  A stopped driver shall not proceed until the school bus resumes motion, or until signaled by the driver or a police officer to proceed.

The penalties for a failure to stop for a school bus ticket include:

  • 5 points on your drivers license

  • Up to a $400 fine

  • $93 surcharge

  • Up to 30 days in jail

Penalties increase for repeat offenders.  Get a second conviction within 3 years of the first and the fine increases up to $750 and the possible jail time increases up to 180 days.  Get a third conviction within 3 years and the fine increases up to $1,000 and your license will be revoked for at least 6 months.

Contact A Failing To Stop For A School Bus Ticket Attorney

Contact the Shelton Law firm if you receive a ticket for failing to stop for a school bus.  The Shelton Law Firm knows how to defend clients charged with failing to stop for a school bus under NY VTL 1174(a).  With the Shelton Law Firm on your side, you have the peace of mind to know that your failing to stop for a school bus ticket attorney will zealously defend your rights.