Speeding Tickets

We have all been there.  A beautiful day, the windows are down, great music on the radio and you lose track of how fast you are going.  Suddenly the day is ruined when those dreaded flashing lights appear in your rear view mirror.  

Receiving a speeding ticket not only ruins your day but it also has a number of costs associated with it.  Some are immediately apparent while others are more hidden.  The costs of a speeding ticket include:

  • Points on your driver license

  • Possible suspension or revocation of your driver license

  • Fines and surcharges

  • Increased insurance rates

  • Time in court

The Shelton Law Firm can help you reduce or eliminate these costs.  In fact, we give you peace of mind by offering you a money back guarantee.

Points and Suspension

The New York DMV uses a point system to track driving habits and impose penalties.  The system assigns point values to certain traffic violations.  A mandatory license suspension is imposed by the DMV when a driver accrues 11 or more points in any 18 month period.  Click here for a more in depth discussion of the NY Points System.


The DMV will revoke your drivers license for 6 months if you are convicted of 3 speeding tickets and/or misdemeanor traffic violations in any 18 month period.  Thus, pleading guilty to any speeding violation exposes you to possible revocation of your drivers license should you get additional speeding tickets in any 18 month period.  

Fines and Surcharges

Speeding tickets are very expensive.  The amount of the fine depends on the particular violation charged, how fast you were going and how many speeding violations you have had in the last 18 months.  In addition to the fine, the state imposes a mandatory surcharge of $93 for town or village courts and $88 for other courts.  Below is a list of the New York maximum fines for first time speeding violations.

  • 1180(a) - Speed not reasonable and prudent - $150

  • 1180(b) - Speed over state 55 mph limit
           10 or less mph over - $150
           11-30 mph over - $300
           31 or more mph over - $600

  • 1180(c) - Speeding in school zone (between 6 pm - 7 am and non-school days)
           10 or less mph over - $150
           11-30 mph over - $300
           31 or more mph over - $600

  • 1180(c) - Speeding in school zone (between 7 am and 6 pm on a school day)
           10 or less mph over - $300
           11-30 mph over - $600
           31 or more mph over - $1200

  • 1180(d)(1) - Speeding in zone
           10 or less mph over - $150
           11-30 mph over - $300
           31 or more mph over - $600

  • 1180(d)(2) - Speeding on restricted highway
           10 or less mph over - $150
           11-30 mph over - $300
           31 or more mph over - $600

  • 1180(e) - Failure to reduce speed (special hazards) - $150

  • 1180(f) - Speeding in construction zone
           10 or less mph over - $150
           11-30 mph over - $300
           31 or more mph over - $600

  • 1180(g) - Speeding while using a radar detector in a vehicle greater than 18,000 pounds
           10 or less mph over - $150
           11-30 mph over - $300
           31 or more mph over - $600

  • 1181(a) - Driving too slow (impeding traffic) - $150

  • 1181(b) - Driving below minimum posted speed - $150

  • 1182(1) - Speed contests and races - $150

Driver Responsibility Assessment

If you accrue 6 or more points in any 18 month period you will be subject to a driver responsibility assessment fee.   This fee is in addition to any fines and surcharges imposed by the court.  The driver responsibility fee is based on the number of points received in the 18 month period, $300 for the first 6 points and $75 for every point thereafter.

Increased Insurance Rates

Receiving a speeding ticket can also increase your insurance rate.  Insurance companies use merit rating plans for imposing insurance rate surcharges and credits based on your driving record.  The purpose of these plans is to identify drivers that they consider to be high risk.  The question of whether any particular ticket will increase your insurance rate is largely dependent on your insurance company and the details of your policy.

Point and Insurance Reduction Program

Any driver with points on his or her driving record should consider taking a DMV approved defensive driving course.  The course lasts approximately 6 hours and can be taken online or in a traditional classroom setting.  Participants who successfully complete the defensive driving course get a 10% reduction of their insurance rate for 3 years and a 4 point reduction on their driving record.  The 4 point reduction only applies to violations that occurred in the 18 month period immediately preceding completion of the course.  The 4 point reduction cannot be used against future violations or points.  Nor will it affect a prior suspension, revocation or previously scheduled violation hearing.  It is important to understand that the 4 point reduction does not remove or delete any violation or conviction from your driving record.  This would require a motion to vacate the prior conviction.  Instead, it simply reduces the number of points considered by the DMV when making a decision based on your driving record such as whether or not to suspend your license for too many points in an 24 month period.  The defensive driving course can only be taken once every 18 months. 

Time in Court

Dealing with a traffic ticket can be very time consuming.  In each case the court schedules a pretrial conference.  Taking a whole day off to attend the pretrial conference can be very difficult for New York drivers, not to mention the difficulty it presents for out of state or Canadian drivers.  However, failing to appear at the pretrial conference can result in your license being suspended.  It will cost you at least two days in court if you intend to go to trial.

Contact A Speeding Ticket Attorney

Pleading guilty to a speeding ticket can be very costly.  For example, pleading guilty to speeding 86 mph in a 55 mph zone will cost you $1,143 in fines, fees, and surcharges ($600 fine + $93 surcharge + $450 driver responsibility assessment fee).  In addition, your driver license will be suspended should you receive another speeding ticket during the following 18 month period for which you are convicted. So think twice about signing the guilty section of your speeding ticket and dropping it in the mail.   

The better choice is to let the Shelton Law firm handle your speeding ticket defense.  The Shelton Law Firm knows how to defend clients charged with speeding violations.  In most cases, your speeding ticket attorney can have your appearance waived so that you do not have to show up in court.  In addition, we know how to reduce the points and fines associated with speeding tickets and how to avoid an increase in your insurance rate.  Our money back guarantee gives you the confidence and peace of mind to know that your speeding ticket lawyer will zealously defend your rights.